Natural Stream

Photography: Gabriela Torres Ruiz
Edition: Rosangela de Araujo
Soundtrack: Andrés Jankowski (1605munro)

2021/18 min/Germany/Kinestasis/Color/Stereo/16:9/4K video

Natural Stream is an attempt to reproduce through actual photographs environments resembling what the earth was like before our arrival and recreate a journey through the different stages of our planet's existence. A harmonious flow of photographs, taken in different regions of the globe, reveals, in astonishing parallels, the complexity of nature´s evolutionary structures in all its realms; fauna, flora, and mineral. A meditative experience inviting our reflection about our common origin and intrinsic connection with all there is around us. Human beings’ appearance in the last moment of the blue planet’s history represent only a nanosecond of its millions of years of existence. What do we mean for the Earth’s further evolution and survival?