Publications / Reviews / Architectural Projects / links
-Revista Elementos, Ciencia y Cultura, No. 135, Vol. 31, Julio-Septiembre 2024. Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. 52435 06402
-Etéreo. Exhibition, Casa de las Culturas Contemporáneas, Puebla, México. March 2024
Made by Frenchies 20.09.2023
New publication 16.04.2021
Natur-Dialog Magazin Der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes (The Path of Least Resistance),
Vom Umgehen mit Widerstand (On dealing with resistance). Article by Sabina Fischer. Switzerland
Emergence Magazine The Path of Least Resistance. Photo essay. February 2021
Nominated for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2019, for the publication Silence. Hatje Cantz Verlag, November 2017, Germany
ARD Mediathek Radio (Radio broadcast on the publication of the book Silence)
Gabriela Torres Ruiz: Silence
18.02.2018 | 5 Min. | Quelle: NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk: by Guido Pauling.
"The photographer Gabriela Torres Ruiz has succeeded with her photo book Silence: she makes silence and loneliness visible"
Gabriela Torres Ruiz
Text von Timothy Persons
Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch
112 Seiten, 88 Abb., Leinen, 23,00 x 29,00 cm
Hatje Cantz Verlag
ISBN 978-3-7757-4318-1
If you would like to purchase a signed book, just send me an email. The cost is 40€ plus shipping.
The aura of abandoned places
The photographer and architect Gabriela Torres Ruiz (*1970 in Mexico City) shows how silence can be captured photographically and the associations it engenders. With a fine sense for the poetic interplay between light, color, and space, her Silence series juxtaposes landscape motifs and interior photographs in diptychs and triptychs. The depicted decay of the buildings alongside enchanted alpine and forest landscapes make reference to the cycle between architecture and nature, which ultimately reclaims its environment. Not only do the photographs reveal a formal affinity in terms of their texture and nuanced color as a result of Torres Ruiz’s sensitive selection, but they also closely relate in content. The melancholy beauty of Iceland was the source of inspiration for the series. The photographer has since sought out further abandoned and forgotten places for the purpose of reflecting on the phenomenon of “silence.”
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Reviews 2017/2018:
-"This is indeed a strong series of images in a convincing sober dialogue / montage". By Catherine David, French art historian, curator and museum director. David is currently deputy director of the National Museum of Modern Art (Musée National d'Art Moderne) at the Centre Georges Pompidou. Paris 21.05.2018.
-deconarch. Silence / Gabriela Torres Ruiz in Berlin. By Simone Kraft. Germany 16.10.2018.
-Response to the photographs in Gabriela Torres Ruiz, Silence. By Michael Edward Moore, Professor of Medieval and European history at the University of Iowa, College of liberal Arts and Sciences. USA 08.04.2018.
-Serenidad. By Rodrigo Moya. Mexican photojournalist, writer and publisher. México 17.03.2018.
-NDR Kultur. Die Aura verlassener Orte. Germany 18.02.2018.
-De l'art helvétique contemporain. By Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret, writer and critic of contemporary art and lecturer in communication at the University of Savoie. Member of the Imaginary and Creative Research Center, specialist in Twentieth Century Image and the work of Samuel Beckett. Switzerland 08.11.2017.
-lelitteraire. By Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret. Switzerland 11.11.2017.
-Aesthetica Magazine. Elegiac Sequences. England 16.11.2017.
-derStandard. Silence: Zeit zur Einkehr. By Gregor Auenhammer, historian, philosopher and psychologist. Since 1988 head of production planning and reviewer for the newspaper "Der Standard". Austria 29.12.2017.
-Swiss - Architects Magazine. Stille. By Jenny Keller. Switzerland 20.12.2017.
-German Photography Society. Germany 12.2017.
Press releases, book presentation Mexico, February 2019:
-Leviatan I 19.02.2019
-En Vivo Mx 19.02.2019
-Reto diario 19.02.2019
-Presencia en Puebla 19.02.2019
-Proyecto Cinco 20.02.2019
-Imagen Poblana 21.02.2019
-Leviatan II 21.02.2019
-Info Quorum 22.02.2019
-La primicia 22.02.2019
-Presencia en Puebla 22.02.2019
-Revista Purgante 22.02.2019
-Emergence Magazine The Path of Least Resistance. Photo essay. California & Utrecht, The Netherlands. February 2021
-Verborgene Schätze, 100 Jahre Kunstsammlung der Museen Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Seiten 58/59. Germany
-Emergence Magazine, Photo Essay, online. California & Utrecht, The Netherlands.
-Emergence Magazine, Book Volume 1. California & Utrecht, The Netherlands.
-Aasthetica Magazine, Sublime Narratives, UK, 04.09.2018
-brennpunkt - Magazine für Fotografie. Germany 04.2018
-Matices - Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal. By Dirk Ufermann. Ausgabe 93: Habitat - Alternativer Wohnraum. Germany
-Der Tagesspiegel, Mehr Berlin. (Article in printed version). Saturday 22.04.2017. By Christiane Meixner.
-Aesthetica Magazine. Elegiac Sequences. Issue 73 October/November. ISBN 9 771743271064. UK, 16.11.2017
-Aasthetica Magazine, Interview with Gabriela Torres Ruiz, 07.2016
-Revista Elementos, Ciencia y Cultura, No. 104, Vol. 23. Octubre-Diciembre. Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico. 52435 06402
-Gazeta Wyborcza, Warsaw. (Article in the Culture Magazine from the Newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, Polen) Silence, Gabriela Torres Ruiz, solo exhibition, Galeria Trzecie Oko - Leica Cracow, Poland.
-Photomed 2016, France. Exhibition catalog
-Future Now, Anthology. 100 Conttemporary Artists from the Aesthetica Art Prize. York, UK. ISSN 1758-9932
-Aesthetica Magazine, Issue 70 April/May, UK. ISBN 9 771743 271064
-Extrañamiento, Gabriela Torres Ruiz and Nin Solís, Casa de las Culturas Contemporáneas, Puebla, Mexico. Exhibition catalog
-Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art at the Salon de la SNBA de Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France. Catalog
-Suizid ist nicht die Lösung, 6. Charity Art Auction, Berlinische Gallery - Museum of Modern Art, Berlin, Germany. Catalog
-The Fifth Exposure Award. New York, USA. Catalog
-Aesthetica Magazine, Issue 67 October/November, UK. ISBN 9 771743271057
-Last Paradise, Exposizione Triennale di Arte Visive a Roma. Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori. ISBN 978-88-6052-580-2. Catalog
-Arte Laguna 13.14. MoCA Modern Contemporary Art. Venice, Italy. ISBN 978-88-88121-11-6. Catalog
-Photographs from architectural works for several publications, comissioned by Jan Kleihues
-Jan Kleihues / Progetti per la citá. II Poligrafo casa editrice. ISBN 978-88-7115-684-2. Architectural works
Architectural Projects / Awards (2006-2013)
(selected competitions, performed by Kleihues + Kleihues, Berlin, Germany)
-Europa City, Berlin, Germany. Fishing district in the south of the city. (Project presentation, design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Götz Kern). Special mention.
-University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, Germany. New building for the Faculty of computer and mathematical science. (Design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Johannes Kressner).2. prize.
-Headquarters offices of the Volksbank Lippstadt, Germany. (Project presentation, design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Götz Kern). 3. prize.
-Extension of the Stadthalle Heidelberg, Germany. (Design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Johannes Kressner). Special mention.
-Reconstruction of the Berlin Castle / Humboldt Forum.
-Redevelopment of the old Wertheim areal in the Leipziger Platz, Berlin, Germany. (Presentation of project, design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Götz Kern). 1. Prize.
-History Museum on Römerberg, Frankfurt, Germany. (Presentation of project, design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Götz Kern). 2. prize.
-Culture and Congress Centre, Regensburg, Germany. (Presentation of project, design and development of facades with Jan Kleihues and Götz Kern). 1. prize.
-Scholarship to study architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, Poland
-The myth; architectural atelier, in the architecture gallery am Weissenhof, Stuttgart, Germany. (Photography from the K + K atelier, commissioned by Jan Kleihues)
-Charity AIT-Chair, design chair by Jan Kleihues and Gabriela Torres Ruiz in favor of an orphanage for children with AIDS in Langa, South Africa. (Invitation from AIT)
-Exhibition in the Church of San Juan Evangelista, Berlin, Germany
-Exhibition in BC Design Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
-Exhibition at the St. Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, Netherlands
-Exhibition in the AIT Architecture Salon Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, Germany
-(Im) balances, Gabriela Torres Ruiz solo exhibition, Gallery Brockstedt, Berlin
Link Exhibition - PiB (Photography in Berlin)
-Conceptual Realities, interview with Gabriela Torres Ruiz, Aesthetica Art Prize 2016, nominated artist.
Gabriela Torres Ruiz is a German-Mexican photographer based in Berlin, and Aesthetica Art Prize 2016 shortlisted artist. Her work is rooted in the act of gathering and realigning images, which serves to generate new associations, as well as new figurative and conceptual realities. We catch up with Torres-Ruiz to discuss the influence of landscape and the spaces in which we live.
Interview - by Kate Simpson
-Silence, solo exhibition Gabriela Torres Ruiz at Trzecie Oko Gallery, Krakow, Poland.
-Interview with Gabriela Torres Ruiz, Aesthetica Art Prize 2016, nominated artist.
Shortlisted for this year’s Aesthetica Art Prize, Gabriela Torres Ruiz is a Mexican-German artist based in Berlin.
Her diptych #1, from the series Silence, was exhibited as part of the Aesthetica Art Prize 2016 showcase at York St Mary’s earlier this year. In this work, she uses photography to preserve her own personal experience of silence, in nature as well as in spaces of disintegration and decay, to indicate the inevitable and progressive passage of linear time. We speak to Gabriela about her practice to offer an insight into the themes surrounding her work and inspiration.
Interview - by Dale Donley
-Haus at Kleistpark´s Art Prize Exhibition 2016, nominated artist.
Annually grants the municipal galleries Tempelhof-Schoeneberg-Berlin, the House at Kleistpark´s Art Prize. The tender in 2016, under the theme collective is with a cash prize of 5,000 euros and for the nominated artists from the shortlist with an exhibition from 2.9. (Opening) - 2.10.2016 in the House at Kleistpark. The jury consists of Mark Gisbourne (Chairman), Barbara Esch Marowski (gallery director), Elisabeth Lux (artist), Thibaut de Ruyter (curator and art critic) and Diana Sirianni (previous winner). A total of 190 artists have applied. The nominees for the shortlist are: Dana Engfer, Esther Ernst, Simone Hackel, Stephanie Hanna, Marc by Hocht, Klaus Jörres, David Kroell, Florian Neufeldt, Kenji Ouellet, Ariane Pauls, Aaron Rahe, Fiene Scharp, Gabriela Torres Ruiz, Johannes Vogl.
By Kunst, Kultur, Geschichte. Schöneberg-Tempelhof
-Photomed, selected as part of the 12 winners of the Festival de la Photographie Mediterranéenne, with the series Arraigo, Sanary-sur-Mer, France. Art director: Philippe Serenon. Exhibition catalog.
-Shortlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize, York St Mary´s, York, UK. Aesthetica Magazine and York Museums Trust, with the series Silence. Exhibition catalog.
-Prize for the best photographiy at The Pure Art Festival, Battle, UK.
-Last Paradise, Triennial Exhibition of Visual Arts, Museum Chiostro del Bramante, Rome. Exhibition catalog.
-Last Paradise, Exposizione Triennale di Arte Visive a Roma. (Article)